Didn’t get your dream job? Google rejected this Microsoft VP after 13 interviews

Amit Fulay, Microsoft’s Vice President of Product who joined the tech giant in September 2021, has recalled how as a job seeker, he was rejected by companies such as Google and Facebook, with the former rejecting him despite 13 interviews over two rounds.

Amit Fulay (Image courtesy: X)
Amit Fulay (Image courtesy: X)

Fulay recalled these rejections in a LinkedIn post, where he shared tips for those preparing for job interviews.

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“When I was in school, I interviewed with Microsoft for a summer internship. I got rejected,” he wrote.

“In 2007, I interviewed with Google. 13 interviews over 2 rounds – Rejected. A year later, they ‘re-opened’ my packet and asked me to do one more interview with their then VP of Search. It lasted for 8 mins since she was sick. 3 days later, I got the rejection email,” he added.

Fulay then recounted being turned down by Facebook (now known as Meta) during the social media giant’s early days, and being told how he he did not have sufficient ‘social’ experience.

Right before joining Microsoft, however, he got an offer from Twitter (now known as X), though for a ‘completely different’ role.

“Interviewing is tough…you put in the hard work, go through a long process, and the rejection always hurts,” the post stated.

Incidentally, he went on to work at both Google and Facebook, among others, for 7 years 5 months, and 3 years 9 months, respectively.

Amit Fulay’s 5-point guide for job seekers

The Microsoft VP, who is now also a board member at Nike Strength, noted that the reason behind his post was that, according to him, job seekers must remember ‘a few things’ when it comes to interviews:

(1.) Rejection is not final

(2.) ‘You are not alone’

(3.) Sometimes, one is just not good enough

(4.) Sometimes, the star won’t align

(5.) It could always be a ‘lucky miss’

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